There are so many reasons why you may have just had a sexual slump, and the first thing I want to establish is that having a gap is normal. Nearly everyone has a sexual slump at some point, and they have a period of time when they have not gotten laid. For those who have always been in a relationship, the slump can happen whilst you have a girlfriend/boyfriend/partner/fuck-buddy. It doesn’t actually matter at all that you have had someone to sleep with the whole time, it doesn’t mean that you actually had sex with them. Getting out of a sexual slump when you are in a relationship can be harder than getting out of one when you are single! At least when you are single it is easy to identify the main reason that you are not getting laid – you don’t have someone to have sex with yet! So here are some things to think about when in a sexual slump.
Whatever time you took out is alright
It is easy to beat yourself up about “wasted time” or lost opportunities. The reality is that this is nonsense! Whatever time you took out, you did because that is the amount you needed. Everyone is different, and everyone takes different time to get over different things. For a lot of people a sexual slump is caused by a post relationship break up. It takes people different amounts of time to recover from that, so allow yourself whatever time you needed without judging yourself for it. Do not carry it, it is an unnecessary burden you place on yourself, so just don’t.
The best time to get back in the game is now
The best time to get back in the game is now. It is always now. You know why? The past is history, and the future doesn’t exist, it is not real. The only time you can spend or use, is now, because the now is manifest. So if you are wanting to get out of a slump – do it now. Log on now and message someone. Just one person. The first step is all you need to create momentum.
Just have sex – with anyone
I am not telling you to lower your standards, but the longer you have been out of the game for, the more important it is to get back in the game. The first time is hard – so just have sex. Just do it – it will help to propel you forward into owning your sex life again.
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