best times to have sex
Sex positive resolutions for summer
Resolutions aren’t always for New Year’s! Summer is the time of year when people often feel best about themselves, have more fun and are more positive. Maybe it’s the heat, the vitamin D, or going on that summer holiday that does it for you, but inevitably you’ll want to be your best self. Summer is also a great time for sex - you can fuck someone on your bed without shivering and trying to keep the duvet wrapped around you, you can have a hot holiday fling or hook-up with someone at a festival. Given that we are approaching this long-awaited season, it’s time for some ‘sex positive’...
The Best Times To Have Sex
Normally I and pretty much most of the male population would say ‘now’ is the best time to have sex. For women the times and places tend to vary a little more and that is more down to the female reproductive cycle then anything else. So thanks to some brilliantly done last minute research done around the office, we’ve collated some interesting suggestion on just when the best tine to have sex actually is.
1. The Day Before Her Period
Okay this might sound a little strange to some people, but according to US sex therapist Laurie Watson. Blood accumulation...