When you are looking for a fuck buddy, location can make a huge difference to the kind of fuck buddy you will find, how long it takes you to find them, the quality of that fuck buddy, and the quality of the sex that you will end up having as a result. They say location is important when you are choosing where you live, well that is very true when it comes to the kind of sex you are going to end up having. I could compare specific areas, but I think what might be more useful is to look at how you might fare in a city VS the country, two very different environments. There are pros and cons to both, I am going to talk about them here.
The City
The city has one huge advantage to it. It has volume! There are a lot of women in the city, there is a greater density of people. More people means that you can play the numbers game more. Contact 100 people and 10 might respond, and of those ten you can then have sex with 1 of them. The density is there, and the numbers really do work for you in that sense.
Everyone is more likely to be slutty. This means that finding a fuck buddy will be easier, but holding on to one longer term if you like them will be harder.
There is loads to do in a city, and thus loads of opportunities to meet women. If you like to go out before you fuck someone, then this is easy to do.
You can get lost in the masses of people. If there are more women, there are also more men. This means that sticking out is much harder, and takes more effort.
The country
There is a low population. This means that there are a lot less opportunities as there are simply less girls in the area to hit on.
When you are new to the area, you stick out massively and this can be used to your advantage! In small country towns everyone knows everyone else, so if you go there you might be the only new bachelor to be in the area! This can mean that you are fresh genes to an otherwise stagnant gene pool – and woman will really want to have sex with you. There are a lot less of them, but the ones that are there are going to be easier to get into bed.
The culture is simpler and there is less to do. If you bore easily this could be really bad for your over all life game, and certainly the going out before in the run up to the sex is less interesting... that being said there is a lot less to do, so having lots of sex can become the order of the week! So if you like having lots of sex, then this could really work for you!
Personally, I think that the sexual ideal is to live in the city, but take visits to the country where you hook up with people more easily in the short term.
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