guys not getting the casual sex is their own fault
Seek sex, and you will find
In life they say seek, and you will find. Sure, this works when you are looking for groceries, or a light. Does this really work for sex? In short, yes. Yes it does. If you can accept that, then you can stop reading this now and go get laid. If you need a little more convincing, then read on and I’ll explain this in a little more detail.
We see what we look for
Try an experiment. Have a look around the room. Go on, try it right. Take 30 seconds to look at where you are right now. Done? Now close your eyes and count in your mind the number of red things you can think...
Winners have sex – is it really the case?
There is a huge connection between being a “winner” and getting laid. We all know this to be true, and in fact a surprisingly large proportion of our society is actually based around this fact. Whether our world is set up to drive the connection between winning and getting laid, or if indeed getting laid and winner have always been connected and our community moulded itself around this after the fact is something that I cannot answer in this article. All I can talk about it how it effects us NOW – which is frankly also the more useful thing to cover.
There are some exceptions of...
Keep it clean – to make things dirty!
So you have had a really good night out. You went out with some mates for a few drinks after work. It was going to be one of those quick spontaneous after work drinks – but it quickly turns into one of those nights when nothing really happens but everything goes down. One drink turned into two turned into going to another bar in the area. This became a random encounter with a group of the opposite sex also on a night out, groups merged and suddenly you find yourself talking to someone that actually you really quite fancy. You are not sure how much of that is the alcohol talking and how...
Guys responsible for not getting the casual sex they want
Way back in 1989, a couple of casual sex researchers in the US conducted a study revealing that 70% of men would agree to having sex with a stranger as opposed to 0% of women. We know from experience that the 0% statistic from women is simply not the case. What the study highlighted was two things:
1. The social stigma that still exists denoting women who indulge in casual sex as ‘slutty’
2. The propagation of that social stigma by men who joke around together calling women who engage in casual sex as ‘sluts’
A recent...