Sexting and texting as foreplay
Everyone loves foreplay. It can take so many different forms and ways, there are endless variations on how one can build up to sex. For many people, the obvious foreplay is the physical foreplay that happens before sex. Getting or giving a blow job, going down on a girl before having sex to make her nice and wet, fingering a girl to loosen her up and make her “pre-come” are all really good things to do pre sex. I want to talk about the long game foreplay, things that can be done before you are even present. For this article, I am going to be focusing on sexting and texting.7
Top 5 Mistakes People Make on the 1st Message
It’s a bit like a revolving subject this one, but the reason we and so many other blogs keep talking about it is because people (guys mostly I’m afraid) don’t seem to know what to say on their first message. Many people seem to think that the best way to grab a potential f-buddy’s attention is to talk about their penis or be unable to say anything other than ‘Hi Babe’. If you haven’t already figured it out, messages like these just go straight in the bin. Below we run through the top 5 mistakes people (mostly guys - sorry guys but its true!) make when sending their first message.
...The Sexting Do’s & Don’ts in 2015
It’s something that everyone has been doing or tried at least once since mobile phones became common place. Sexting is something that can go incredibly right, or outrageously wrong depending on your point of view. To be successful at sexting (text messaging with a sexual undertone in case you’re new to this term), you need to be realistic about the type of relationship you’re in. As we are a site dedicated to the more casual relationship, we will focus on the do’s and don’ts of sexting in this context.
Be Coy at first
Nothing screams ‘Desperate...